ETIP SNET Governance

In order to have a wide representation of stakeholders and offer agile and efficient operation, the Management and Governance structure of ETIP SNET is organised as follows:
- Governing Board (GB) steers the platform where stakeholder associations send representatives
- Executive Committee (ExCo) provides executive support to the Governing Board and acts as facilitator to drive the processes, executes the yearly WGs Action Plans approved by the GB and prepares decisions to be taken by the Governing Board;
- Permanent Working Groups (WG) (or ad-hoc WGs or Task Forces upon need) opened to experts in any relevant sectors to provide their expertise to achieve the aim of ETIP SNET and giving technical input to EC and to the Governing Board;
- National Stakeholders Coordination group (NSCG) to provide a sounding board and exchange platform for national R&I stakeholders in the area of energy systems and networks. Its purpose and goal are to support the implementation of SET-Plan Action 4 on Integrated and Flexible Energy Systems;
- Secretariat/Support Team to support and manage ETIP SNET in its daily functioning, its production of publications and its mission of R&I strategic planning.
- ETIP SNET Ambassadors to present the ETIP SNET using all type of communication materials and info provided by the Secretariat and bring forward the messages approved by the ETIP SNET GB.
The ETIP gathers a wide range of stakeholders which are to contribute to the Energy Transition:
Transmission System Operators (TSOs)
Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
National representatives
Research & Academia
Storage (technology and services providers)
Final Consumers, incuding prosumers
Market Operators: traders (wholesale, retail, aggregators)
Thermal Generation (flexible)
Information and Communication Technology & Network providers
Equipment manufacturers and suppliers
Renewable Energy Sources
Interface to Other Energy Carriers (Heat, Transport, Gas, …)
* Participation on an ah hoc basis
Governing Board
The current Governing Board is composed of the following representatives:
Stefania La Porta, ENTSO-E
Elena Fjortort, ENTSO-E
Antonio Iliceto, ENTSO-E
Luís Cunha, EDSO For Smart Grids
Gert De Block, CEDEC
Venizelos Efthymiou, EURELECTRIC
1 seat pending
Member States
Karl Waninger, German Federal Ministry
Michael Hübner, Austrian Ministry
1 seat pending
Research & Academia
Johan Driesen, EUA – EPUE
Luciano Martini, EERA
Tara Esterl, EUREC
1 seat pending
Storage (technology and services providers)
Erwin Marckx, EUROBAT
Pierre Le Romancer, EASE
Ralf Grether, HEA
Final Consumers, including prosumers
Laurent Schmitt, SMARTEN
1 seat pending
Market Operators: traders (wholesale, retail, aggregators) and power exchange
2 seats pending
Thermal Generation (flexible)
Emmanouil Kakaras, Energy Technologies Europe
Hans Kortenweg, COGEN
Sebastiaan Bleuanus, EUGINE
Ralf Wezel, EUTurbines
Rob Versteirt, ETN
ICT & Network solutions providers
Markus Bechmann, ESMIG
2 seats pending
Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers
Laurent Keromnes, Europacable
Toma Mikalauskaitė, Orgalim
Jochen Kreusel, T&D Europe
Renewable Energy Sources
Grazia Barchi, EURAC Research, ETIP Photovoltaics
Dominik Rutz, ETIP RES Heating and Cooling
Alexander Vandenberghe, ETIP Wind
3 seats pending
Interface to other energy carriers (Heat, Transport, Gas,…)
Aksana Krasatsenka, Euro Heat & Power
Jesse Scott, EUROGAS
Marieke Reijalt, European Hydrogen Association
Executive Committee
Chairman: Luís Cunha, EDSO For Smart Grids
Vice-chairman: Antonio Iliceto, ENTSO-E
WG1 Chair: Santiago Gallego - Co-Chairs: Albana Ilo, Nuno Souza e Silva - Honorary Co-Chairs: Natalie Samovich, Antonio Iliceto
WG2 Chair: Pedro Rodriguez - Co-Chairs: Franco Di Persio, Bryan Murray
WG3 Chair: Peter Jansohn - Co-Chairs: Olaf Bernstrauch, Thai Phuong - Honorary Co-Chair: Alexander Wiedermann
WG4 Chair: Nikos Hatziargyriou - Co-Chairs: Laura Grana, Laurent Schmitt - Honorary Co-Chair: Miguel Sanchez Fornie
WG5 Chair: Sergio Olivero - Co-Chairs: Thales Papazoglou, Rad Stanev - Honorary Co-Chairs: Venizelos Efthymiou