Strategic Energy Technology Plan Implementation Plan “Increase the resilience and security of the energy system”
Strategic Energy Technology Plan Implementation Plan “Increase the resilience and security of the energy system” (15 January, 2018)
The present document constitutes the Implementation Plan (IP) in actuation of the European Stakeholders Declaration for Action 4 “Increase the resilience and security of the energy system” (19 November 2016). It gathers the consensus of 15 country representatives about the R&I actions to be implemented in coordination, in order to achieve the challenging targets set in the Declaration.

Grid+Storage: Technical analysis of past and on-going projects in Smart Grids and Energy Storage
Technical analysis of past and on-going projects (D3.2) (22 July, 2016)
The Technical analysis of past and on-going projects, displays a thorough monitoring of a sample of 177 projects (123 European projects, either funded at national or EC level and 54 international projects, i.e. funded and carried out outside Europe). The analyses of the projects presented in this report are one of the two key processes for the drafting of the Final 10 year ETIP SNET R&I roadmap covering 2016-25 (RIR). The monitoring process has been used to specify the future R&I activities to be undertaken during 2016-2025 and make sure that the specified R&I activities correspond to research and innovation work which was not (or partially) covered at the time of analysing the projects.

ETP Smart Grids: The Digital Energy System 4.0
The Digital Energy System 4.0 (2nd of July, 2016)
The European Digital Single Market initiative will ensure that Europe’s economy, industry and employment take advantage of digital technologies as a key driver for growth. All industrial sectors need to integrate these new technologies and manage the transition to a smart industrial society.
This report discusses use cases and opportunities of digitalization of the energy system.

ETP Smart Grids: Progress and Challenges on Asset Management for Future Smart Grids
Progress and Challenges on Asset Management for Future Smart Grids – ETP SG Working Group 1 report (2 May, 2016)
The expected benefits associated to the innovation on asset management are huge and have the potential to take this important area to the next level, increasing the overall efficiency of the power system management and operation and helping network operators to take full advantage of the network assets in this digital era.
This report outlines the challenges that grid assets are facing.

ETP Smart Grids: National and Regional Smart Grids initiatives in Europe
National and Regional Smart Grids initiatives in Europe – Cooperation opportunities among Europe’s active platforms (May 2016, 2nd Ed.)
National and Regional Smart Grids initiatives (N/RTPs) with the focus on local conditions and the ETP as the key European forum in the SG sector, have supported each other in the past and will continue this fruitful cooperation. In the future, the voice of N/RTPs will be even stronger within the new European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) for Smart Grids and Storage that will succeed the ETP.
The active SG initiatives of these Member States present themselves in the second edition of this booklet

Grid+Storage: Lessons form 9 Knowledge Sharing Workshops
Minutes of stakeholder debates (lessons learned) for nine knowledge sharing workshops (D4.1) (29 March, 2016)
With the Grid+Storage service contract, knowledge sharing activities are gathered into work package 4 (WP4) “Extracting good practice and support knowledge transfer”. The objectives of WP4 are:
• To extract good practices gained in pilots and demonstration activities,
• To support knowledge transfer from these projects to energy network operators, storage players and any other interested stakeholders.
To these objectives, knowledge sharing workshops are organised to emphasise the potential scaling and replication of the experimental or simulation results obtained during the RTD&D projects, and to protect intellectual property rights (IPR) by involving industry in the description of the project results in the existing Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) GridInnovation-online1 .

ETP Smart Grids: The need for a fundamental review of electricity networks reliability standards
The historical network reliability standards and practices require that network security is provided through network asset redundancy.
In this context, this paper sets out the case for a fundamental review of the philosophy of transmission and distribution network operation and design may be needed to inform the industry, consumers, regulators, policy makers, in order to facilitate a cost effective delivery of the EU energy policy objectives.

Grid+Storage: Technical analysis of on-going projects in Smart Grids and Energy Storage
Technical analysis of on-going projects (D3.1) (29 th of June, 2015)
The present monitoring exercise shows that, for all TSO, TSO/DSO, DSO and storage topics, there is a partial coverage of the research activities specified in the integrated implementation plan 2016-2018. For some storage topics (Topic ES04-2017 -Electricity storage for defence and restoration plans- and Topic ES05-2018 -Long-term network planning tools involving storage for capacity firming, active demand and investment deferral), there is no coverage at all.

Grid+Storage: Implementation Plan of R&I activities
Integrated Implementation Plan of R&I activities: 2016-2018 (D2.2) (19 June, 2015)
The present document proposes the first integrated Implementation Plan (IP) for future R&I activities (2016-2018), constructed by the Grid+Storage consortium.

Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan
Towards an Integrated Roadmap: Research and Innovation Challenges and Needs of the EU Energy System (December 2014)
The Integrated Roadmap together with the Action Plan are the first key actions of the European Commission’s Communication on Energy Technologies and Innovation, COM(2013)253.
The aim of the Integrated Roadmap, in the current context of the EU’s energy policy developments, is to consolidate the updated technology roadmaps of the SET Plan and propose research and innovation actions.
This document is an overview of the inputs from the stakeholders to the consultation in the framework of the development of the SET Plan Integrated Roadmap; it also includes comments and additional inputs from the SET Plan Steering Group, which endorsed it at its meeting of 13th November 2014.

ETP Smart Grids: Strategic Research Agenda 2035
Strategic Research Agenda: Update of the Smart Grids SRA 2007 for the needs by the year 2035 (8 March, 2012)
The new SRA 2035 will serve as key input to the current EU Framework Programme, its successor Horizon 2020 and other SmartGrids research, development and demonstration initiatives both on national and European levels with the goal to advance the SmartGrids based European Energy System.
Available also the Strategic Research Agenda 2035 Priority topics summary document (2013).

ETP Smart Grids: Vision and Strategy
Vision and Strategy for European Electricity Networks of the Future (April 2006)
European electricity networks have provided the vital links between electricity producers and consumers with great success for many decades. The fundamental architecture of these networks has been developed to meet the needs of large, predominantly carbon-based generation technologies, located remotely from demand centres. The energy challenges that Europe is now facing are changing the electricity generation landscape.
This document was presented in April 2006.