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5th annual IntelliSub Europe 2018

All day event

Location: Germany

The 5th annual IntelliSub Europe 2018 draws together 120+ utility substation asset management, engineering, operations & maintenance, and cyber-security professionals for 3 intensive days of digital substation implementation reviews.

Through a series of case-study presentations leading utilities reveal how they are making their investment decisions, technology choices, and implementation plans to drive the cost-effective deployment of next generation digital substations.

Days 1 & 2 focus on the investment drivers, new system architectures, and operations and maintenance approaches for new and refurbished substations in HV, MV and LV networks. Whilst the third day deep-dives into cyber-physical security considerations for next generation substations particularly in the context of IoT and cloud enabled systems, integrated with self-learning and self-healing capabilities.

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