ETIP SNET is pleased to welcome Emin Selahattin Umdu as the ETIP SNET vice-chair representing the storage sector.
Over the past few months, ETIP SNET Secretariat contacted the three main European battery associations (EASE, HEA, and EUROBAT) to inform them of the opportunity to nominate a candidate for the ETIP SNET vice-chairmanship. EASE has nominated Emin Selahattin Umdu for this position.
Emin is the founder and CEO of Unda Engineering Inc. in Turkey, with extensive expertise in energy storage, energy efficiency, green energy, and industrial decarbonisation. He has participated in major projects within Horizon Europe and H2020 (e.g. DISOPED). His candidacy received the endorsement of the European Commission and was approved by the ETIP SNET Governing Board on Monday, July 9th.
Discover more about ETIP SNET activities, mission and structure on the new slide deck.
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