The ETIP SNET took part together with the ETIPs FORUM in the 16th SET Plan conference, “Towards a new Strategic Energy Technology Plan”.
The ETIP SNET has attended, within the framework of the ETIPs FORUM, the 16th SET Plan conference, “Towards a new Strategic Energy Technology Plan”, hosted on 9-10 November in Prague, Czech Republic. Over the last year, the EC has gathered opinions and ideas from the entire SET Plan Community to review the objectives, governance, scope, and activities of the Plan. The conference explored the transformational pathways to sustainable, secure, resilient and competitive energy systems and value chains. It also raised awareness among all its stakeholders on the latest R&I in the field of carbon-neutral energy technologies.
The ETIPs FORUM was created in June 2021 – thanks to the key contribution of the ETIP SNET - to develop a stable and structured dialogue among the 10 ETIPs and assimilated entities to avoid duplications and to share the know-how and expertise of the numerous experts involved in all the ETIPs towards the same decarbonisation goal and mission by 2030 and 2050.
Ahead of the SET Plan's revision, the ETIPs FORUM drafted 8 recommendations and a policy paper to inform the EC and other stakeholders involved in the process about the ETIPs' common position regarding the SET Plan implementation and recommend possible pathways for a more efficient and inclusive execution of the planned actions. These recommendations have been submitted to the public consultation the EC opened concerning the SET Plan revision and were brought to the SET Plan Conference.

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