The ETIP SNET, BRIDGE and the ETIPs FORUM showcased at the European Sustainable Energy Week 2023, taking part to two sessions and with a stand at the Energy Fair.
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2023 is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe and comprises a series of activities aimed at building a secure and clean energy future for Europe. It brings together public authorities, private companies, NGOs, EU project partners, researchers and consumers to promote initiatives to go green and digital for Europe's energy transition. Launched in 2007 by the European Commission, EUSEW is organised by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), in close cooperation with Directorate-General for Energy.
Similar to last year's edition, the ETIP SNET, BRIDGE and the ETIPs FORUM took an actively part in the event, participating in two sessions within the Policy Conference.
Maria Laura Trifiletti, in the role of facilitator of the ETIPs FORUM, participated in the session "Revision of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan: boosting skills and competitiveness in clean energy technologies", which aimed at raising awareness about the need to accelerate R&I n energy and thus inform the audience about the revised SET Plan. The session was divided into two separate panel discussions, the first titled "Announcement and discussions about the SET Plan revision" and the second "Zooming-into SET Plan new activities on skills".
The other session, "Empowering energy communities: building capacity for social innovation", received the contribution of Marialaura di Somma, coordinator of the BRIDGE project eNeuron. The session focused on the social innovation aspects of energy communities, touching on the next steps envisioned through Fit for 55, the ways in which energy communities help respond to the energy crisis, and inform the National Energy and Climate Plans updates, which will provide a useful monitoring tool in this context for EU Member States. To this end, the session explored non-regulatory issues and barriers related to social innovation, project design, development and implementation, as well as the design of suitable policy measures to help overcome these barriers.
Furthermore, the ETIP SNET, BRIDGE and the ETIPs FORUM shared a stand at the Energy Fair, where members from the joined Secretariat showcased the latest achievements and results of the three initiatives.
Lastly, two recent events organised by the EC initiatives were acknowledged as Sustainable Energy Days. The first is the ETIP SNET & BRIDGE Key results and steps forward that took place on 20 June. The second is the upcoming webinar ETIP SNET-RHC ETIP Sustainable Energy Day Joint webinar – Coupling of Heating/Cooling and Electricity sectors in a renewable energy-driven Europe that will be held on 29 June. Register if you are curious to know more about the implications of coupling the electricity, heating and cooling vectors and their crucial role in the decarbonisation of the European energy sector.
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