The ETIP SNET Working Group 3 on flexible generation hosted the webinar “Flexible generation in a low-carbon RES dominated energy system” on the 30th June 2020
ETIP SNET Vision 2050 is the basis for defining the specifications for further research and innovation needs in the transition from today towards Europe’s energy systems of the future. This webinar will describe the pathway forward in flexible power generation, starting with the state-of-the-art covering all means of energy sources, and suggests the necessary steps to achieve a safe & robust low-carbon RES dominated energy system in the future. Each of the available energy sources will be evaluated with regard to their flexibility (load and fuel) and dispatchability to support stable, secure and sustainable energy supply to all energy sectors. It will be outlined that the increase of renewable energy sources (RES) needs to proceed hand-in-hand with an increase of energy storage capacity covering short, mid term and long term energy storage capabilities. Flexible thermal power plants need to fit in to the new integrated energy system of the future to provide high temperature heat and “green” electricity to all sectors (especially to industrial processes). The advantageous feature of thermal power generation is the combination of using green (low carbon) fuels and being dispatchable any time when needed – an ideal complement to volatile renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power.
What you learn:
- Starting point: Where are we today in Europe?
- Evaluation of energy sources and conversion systems with regard to dispatchability
- Integration of short, mid, and long term energy storage in flexible generation
- Decarbonised “green” fuels: thermal power generation, co-generation; energy-intensive industries; transportation sector
- How does the decarbonised future look like?
You can view the recording below:
Download webinar slides HERE
Christian Bergins – Strategic Marketing Manager with Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe (MHPSE): Dr-Ing. habil. Christian Bergins is Strategic Marketing Manager with Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe (MHPSE) and joined former Hitachi Power Systems Europe in 2006 as expert for clean technologies (among them CCS/CCU-technologies, lignite and solid fuel processing, biomass combustion and hydrogen). He is active in technical working groups and scientific advisory boards of several associations (ETE, Dechema and others).
Dr Georgios C. Christoforidis – Professor at University of Western Macedonia: Dr Georgios C. Christoforidis joined the Technological Education Institute of Western Macedonia in 2010 and is currently with the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department of University of Western Macedonia at Kozani, Greece. His expertise includes distribution power networks, smart grids, integration of renewable energy sources among others. He has participated in more than 20 research and innovation projects in these fields.
Peter Stettner – Head of Market Strategy at Andritz Hydro: Mr Peter Stettner, Fellow of IHA (International Hydropower Association), is currently Head of Market Strategy of Andritz Hydro where he has gained 25 years of professional experience in defining research and development agendas in the field of hydropower. He is member of the Consultation Expert Panel in the HYDROPOWER-EUROPE project and other national and international associations.
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