The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) took place on 25-29 October 2021 under the theme: ‘Towards 2030: Reshaping the European Energy System’.
At this edition of EU Sustainable Energy Week, ENTSO-E together with AIOTI, E.DSO and ETIP SNET hosted a Policy Session on “Electric vehicles and the future of the Power system”. The discussion presented different perspectives coming from relevant industry and customer representative to find out how electromobility could become a game changer in helping future power systems be Fit-for-55. It touched upon the issue of smart sector integration as a means to meet the EU Green Deal targets – with a focus on e-mobility. The research, industry, policy and customer perspectives on e-mobility will allow to have a 360-degree view of this new technology development and its impact for the whole European energy system by 2030 and beyond.
Recording below:
Last year, EUSEW went completely digital and this year you will be able to find us online once again. The event will comprise a 3-day digital Policy Conference, the EUSEW Awards, the second European Youth Energy Day as well as 1:1 video meetings, virtual stands and other networking activities. Participants will also have access to online side events and Sustainable Energy Days, digital events taking place all over Europe.
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