BRIDGE will host a policy session entitled “Smart Grids And Flexibility Markets: Status Of Demonstrators And Effect Of Covid-19 On The Demo Operation And Results” at the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2020 on 22-26 June.
Organized by the Regulation Working Group of the BRIDGE initiative, the session, taking place on 25/06 (time to be confirmed), will present clear examples on how the current COVID-19 crisis has impacted the research activities of the H2020 projects exploring new flexibility market mechanisms and tools for smart grid operation.
The objective is to identify how some of the most relevant research projects in this domain have tackled the challenges imposed by this crisis, sharing with the audience and research community their lessons learnt and strategy to overcome the constraints affecting operation and execution of experiments and demos.
Through five H2020 projects, the session will explore:
- How projects have faced the availability of resources to run the scheduled experiments. In particular, system operators had to work under strict confinement rules, limiting the time and resources available for certain experiments.
- How projects have faced the lack of coherent data during the crisis. Demand patterns have been affected during the crisis, as well as market prices and indicators. Therefore, the data retrieved during the crisis may be non-coherent with data for a usual winter-spring period.
- How projects have faced the troubles to cooperate with other non-EU countries. Some H2020 projects had planned collaboration with India and China, among other countries. The crisis has naturally impacted this international cooperation.
- How projects have faced the customer engagement procedures during the crisis. Not only projects in advanced research stages have been affected by the crisis. Projects that required to recruit and involve citizens during this crisis may have experienced severe constraints to their planned activities.
The session will be closed with a round table by all participants, specially exploring how the Energy Transition can be affected by this crisis or future ones. For more info on EUSEW visit the event website here: https://www.eusew.eu/
Bridge Working Group updates
The Working Group on Regulation also started 5 actions on “Synergies between demos”, “Common taxonomy for services, products and markets”, “Links between existing and flexibility markets”, and “Harmonized, Electricity Market Role Model (HEMRM)” led by the Platone project. Regarding the Working Group on Data Management, discussions took place with European Commission and chairs started to work on actions for 2020. Finally the Working Group on Customer Engagement organized a Kick-Off meeting the 29/04 to present the topics on interest: 2 topics were identified with leaders and will be studied in the next 3 months: Assessment of Engagement (leader Sebastian Seebauer (Joanneum Research)) and Organisational Model (leader Stanislas d’Herbemont (REScoop.eu)).
Regarding BRIDGE Task Forces, the Task Force on Energy Communities organized a webinar with CEER the 28/04, where 2 topics were selected by the European Commission and CEER for the next period: costs and tariffs. The Task Force RSA has the objective to develop a common repository helping projects to implement SRA. A questionnaire has been built, jointly with WG5 of ETIP SNET, to identify projects KPIs, tools and best practices, and will be circulated in the next days. Finally, the TF R&I priorities will review in a first step evidence fiches from the EC on quantification of information.
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