Monday. 10 September 2018
BRIDGE, a European Commission initiative which unites Horizon 2020 Smart Grid and Energy Storage, has just issued a report on ongoing R&I projects involving battery integration in the energy system. The use of batteries to support the large-scale integration of renewable energy and a consumer-centred energy transition has been identified as key by the European Commission.
To prepare this report 15 ongoing EU R&I projects involving battery integration in the energy system were involved.
The main findings up until show that:
- From a geographical perspective, most of the demonstrations are located in Southern Europe. Islands are also very attractive for deployment of batteries.
- Several battery technologies are tested within H2020 projects. Lithium-ion batteries (with different variations of Li-ion technology) are the most widely, but other battery technologies have been chosen by a few projects: long-established lead technology, molten Salt technology, redox flow (and Nickel Iron technology and sodium-ion technology.
- Batteries from Electric Vehicles are involved in two main frameworks: second-life batteries from EVs and Smart charging and Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) applications.
- Most of the batteries in H2020 projects are connected to the low voltage level.
- Services provided by batteries in the projects deal with: conventional generation, renewable generation, transmission grids, distribution grids and customer services. New market designs and business models are being elaborated by the H2020 projects in order to make these new services economically viable.
- In terms of ownership of the batteries and of who should operate them, H2020 projects have diverse views: ownership by prosumer, integration in a production site.
- Several projects mention regulatory aspects that deserve to be considered in order to facilitate the deployment of battery services:
- Lack of regulation for the development of hybrid plants in most EU countries.
- Lack of regulation to drive demand for flexibility services provided by storage systems.
- Barriers to the participation of distributed resources in wholesale energy markets and ancillary markets services.
You can visit the Bridge website and download the full report HERE
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