The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) is aiming to elaborate a vision and roadmap for R&I activities for smart networks, storage and other sources of flexibility in integrated energy systems. For this reason ETIP SNET is now seeking experts to take an active part in five of the six Working Groups it has launched. Experts may come from academia, industry, public administration and else where in order to represent the widest community of stakeholders related to their area of expertise. They are therefore encouraged to apply to the Working Groups where their contribution can have most impact in the context of the wider European energy system. To learn more about the Working Groups please visit: /working-groups. The summaries that appear will also link to a downloadable PDF with the full Terms of Reference for each Group. If you have expertise and are wiling to contribute to ETIP SNETĀ“s vision please send us your candidature by Friday 20 January 2017 through the following link:
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