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Call for Experts to join ETIP SNET Working Group on Innovation Implementation in the Business Environment

Monday. 01 April 2019

Are you an Expert in Innovation implementation in the business environment? Do you want to contribute towards the goals of a clean European energy transition as outlined in the ETIP SNET Vision2050

ETIP SNET is looking to form a core group of energy specialists interested to work on horizontal issues in support of the rest of the activities of ETIP SNET. More specifically, the experts would join ETIP SNET Work Group 5 with the prime objective of:

  1. Building homogeneity in the analysis of projects, work done, and lessons learned so as to ascertain common tools and methods in making the approach universal, comparable and trustworthy;
  2. Create a common platform for analyzing developments in technologies, judging results, qualifying and quantifying progress made with technologies, systems and solutions;
  3. Using established methodologies to judge system needs in the energy transition capable of identifying tangible needs for building on progress made and give feedback to the other WGs for populating their R&I needs in the years ahead;
  4. Work closely with BRIDGE to identify the economic, social, technical, legal, etc. barriers which may slow down business model deployment of projects (impacting scaling, replication, deployment of results achieved) and work with BRIDGE and other services of the Commission for overcoming them;
  5. Work for strengthening the innovation objectives of projects to enhance solutions that will maximize the benefits (evolution of the industry with a stronger presence in the world economy, improve efficiencies in all spheres of the economy, enrich the options of end users in managing their energy needs, strengthen the solutions that lead to a carbon free economy etc) that EU achieves through R&I activities in the area of Energy.

Knowledge and Skills that are needed for the core group of experts to be able to deliver the above objectives:

  • Longstanding professional experience in the energy sector.
  • Experience/Awareness in/of research and innovation field.
  • Skills and knowledge required in: engineering, data management, marketing.
  • Strong understanding of system needs to build up progress on energy transition plans.
  • Ability and interest to identify, detail and make a comprehensive assessment of the impact of energy projects (technologies, services, etc.) to support replicability and scalability.
  • Ability to present to the other experts the key benefits and/or maximization potentials of projects (See point 5 above).
  • Dynamic and team minded.
  • Limited travels are necessary to support projects and hence, if possible are welcomed. Please indicate.

If interested, please send back the following application form, indicating the WG you are willing to apply for (WG5) and showing how you meet the criteria above, send it back to by 19 April midnight CET.

More about ETIP SNET
Since 2016, the key energy system players in Europe, represented through their EU associations, platforms and national stakeholders[1], started a strong and unique cooperation under the umbrella of ETIP SNET – The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition. Its role is to guide research, development and innovation to support Europe’s energy transition with innovation for the transmission and distribution systems. These systems form the technical and market platforms where clean electricity generation, empowered customers, storage technologies, smarter grids and interfaces to gas, heat and transport networks make the energy transition happen in secure and affordable ways.

[1] TSOs (ENTSO-E), DSOs (EDSO, EURELECTRIC, CEDEC, GEODE), Flexible electricity producers (EPPSA, EU TURBINES, WindEurope, ETIPWind, SolarPowerEurope, ETIP PV, EGEC, ETIP Deep Geothermal, CogenEurope,…), Research and Academia (EUREC, EERA, EUA…), Storage stakeholders(EASE, EUROBAT, HEA), gas and heat networks players (RHC+ ETIP, Euro Heat and Power, EUROGAS, EHA, …), transport sector (EGVIA), Consumers (SmartEn, ANEC), ICT and digital network providers (ESMIG, Digital Europe, EUTC..), Equipment suppliers (T&D Europe, Europacable, Orgalime) as well as EU Member States active in the SET Plan and regulators.

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