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CALLING ALL ISLANDS IN EUROPE: Identify your Energy Transition needs with the NESOI Survey!

Monday. 17 February 2020

The EU Islands Facility NESOI is asking all Islands in Europe to help in the assessment of their needs regarding the implementation of Energy Transition solutions on their territory. 

The EU Islands Facility – NESOI is an EU funded Horizon 2020 project that aims to unlock the potential of EU islands to become the locomotives of European Energy Transition by mobilising more than 100 M€ of investment in sustainable energy projects.

To do so, NESOI is developing a platform providing islands with training, technical support, cooperation opportunities and robust funding openings. The selected island projects will receive customised on-site support from a consortium of experts and direct funding to select additional local experts thanks to a cascade mechanism, supporting the structuring of solid projects with the potential to attract investors.

Before the NESOI support system can take off in an effective way, the facility needs first gather some information about EU Islands and their current energy transition project plans.

We therefore invite the EU islands community to participate in a 15-20 minute online survey. The information retrieved will help NESOI to boost existing islands project pipelines and go beyond their current development barriers.

The NESOI survey is structured along two sections:

  • SECTION 1 – ISLAND LEVEL: The objective of this first section is to position the state of the island from an “energy status” point of view.
  • SECTION 2 – PROJECT LEVEL: This section focuses on specific energy projects.

To answer the survey, please go on this page:  where you will online forms available in several EU languages.

The deadline to answer the survey is the 13th of March. 

Do not hesitate to share this news with whomever can provide valuable insights about the energy transition plans and projects on islands!

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