On Wednesday 18 October 2017 from 16:30 until 18:00 the European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) and the Joint Programme on Energy Storage (JP ES) under the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) will present the:
EASE-EERA Technology Development Roadmap on Energy Storage 2017 Update
The roadmap provides a comprehensive overview of the energy storage technologies being developed in Europe today and identifies the RD&D needs in the coming decades. On this basis, the roadmap provides recommendations for R&D policies and regulatory changes needed to support the development and large-scale deployment of energy storage technologies. The aim is to inform policymakers for research, innovation, and demonstration in the energy storage sector in order to further strengthen Europe’s research and industrial competitiveness in the energy storage industry.
About the EASE-EERA Energy Storage Roadmap
The first joint EASE-EERA Technology Development Roadmap on energy storage was published in 2013 with the goal of identifying the most pressing technology development priorities for the European energy storage industry.
Given the evolution and advancements in the energy storage sector – and, indeed, the energy sector as a whole – over the past several years, the European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) and the Joint Programme on Energy Storage under the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) have joined forces once more to draft a significant update to the first joint EASE-EERA technology development roadmap on energy storage. Together, EASE and EERA members provide a strong foundation of industrial and research expertise, which allows for a deep and multifaceted insight into the European energy storage sector.
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