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EERA Summer Strategy Meeting 2020 Strengthening your participation in EU Clean Energy Transition

Wednesday. 24 June 2020

The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA aisbl), the largest energy research community in Europe with 250 public research centers and universities, is organizing its yearly get-together: the Summer Strategy Meeting 2020.

EERA plays an important role in catalyzing European energy research within the objectives defined in the SET-Plan, an EU initiative that fosters research and innovation in low-carbon technologies and supports the Clean Energy Transition.

Taking place on 1st July at 14:00-16:00 CET via GoToMeeting, this year’s meeting will, among other topics, place emphasis on the creation of synergies with most relevant research centers and universities from the EU-13 countries.

In this context, we wish to invite you to discuss with the EERA governing bodies best practices on:
–  participation in the implementation of the SET-Plan and Clean Energy Transition
–  participation in EU-funded R&I projects aiming at the execution of the SET-Plan actions
–  creation of networks to encourage a stronger participation of EU-13 countries in order to create long-lasting interactions, collaborations schemes, and partnership arrangements with EERA members.

The registration for this session is already open, please confirm as soon as possible your attendance by filling the registration form.

In the following days, you will receive a detailed agenda of the session and the link to access the on-line platform where the session will be held.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me or Ivan Matejak (, should you require any additional information.

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