ENTSO-E developed its first position paper on Electric Vehicle (EV) integration into power grids. Although electric chargers traditionally connect to the distribution grid, the proliferation of EVs will affect the transmission grid as well, not to mention the flexibility services that they might provide. The European green energy transition will indeed lead to a boom of electric vehicles over the next few years.
With the contribution from Antonio Iliceto (ETIP SNET WG1 Co-chair), this paper analyses use cases and conditions for best exploiting the forthcoming charging infrastructure massive deployment of EV in Europe. The core key message is to plan and deploy, since the start, smart charging and Vehicle-to-Grid solutions which are beneficial both to users and to the whole system. The paper also analyses the challenges but also the numerous opportunities of this evolution for the Transmission System Operators (TSOs), and provides a set of key recommendations to enable the full deployment of EV technology. The recommendations of this paper will in turn serve to inform the upcoming ETIP SNET White Paper on Electromobility.
Finally, this document also provides an overview about the ongoing TSO projects related to electric vehicles.
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