A number of ETIP SNET members as well as participants in the BRIDGE initiative will be partaking in various activities during European Sustainable Energy Week 2017 in Brussels.
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is a week-long series of activities to build a secure energy future for Europe. It brings together public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient power. Launched in 2006 by the European Commission, the EUSEW is organised by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) in close cooperation with Directorate-General for Energy.
The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) is a platform dedicated to making sure that Europe’s Research and Innovation facilitates all energy customers and market actors to rely on optimally integrated networks, systems and markets. ETIP SNET members, partners and stakeholders will be participating at a number of EUSEW activities.
Representatives from EASE, ENTSO-E and ETIP SNET work groups are due to speak at a Policy Session entitled “Energy Storage & Digitalisation – Empowering Consumers in the Energy Transition” on 21 June from 9am to 10.30am at Residence Palace (room Maelbeek). The session will seek to highlight how energy storage, which is one of the designated priority areas in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package, and digitalisation are able to favour customer participation in all stages of the development and expansion of the energy transition system. The panel discussion will focus on the involvement of the end customers and the retail market players allowed by the ICT infrastructures and technologies providing new energy services and defining the interactions (market and regulations) between the different market players and the network and flexibility operators.
The ETIP SNET Chairman Konstantin Staschus will speak alongside Andreea Strachinescu from DG Energy and others at the “Visualising Energy – Energy Transition Leaders Forum” in two sessions co-hosted by Revolve Media on 22 June from 4pm to 7pm at Residence Palace (room Polak). The sessions will be highlighting the human dimension of the energy transition by showing workers in action on renewable energy and energy efficiency projects around Europe and beyond.
The BRIDGE initiative will be holding a session on 22 June at the Charlemagne building (room Mansholt), from 2pm to 3.30pm “BRIDGE – Accelerating Smart Grids and Storage Development by Removing Barriers to Innovation” which will be focused on the main messages to policy makers from the demonstration projects, with a particular emphasis on the latest legislative proposals of the European Commission, “Clean Energy for All Europeans”, published in November 2016. During this session, the Chairs of the four BRIDGE Working Groups will present their recommendations for facilitating the deployment of smart grids and energy storage solutions that could increase the share of production from renewable sources, in particular wind and solar, and contribute to decarbonising the European electricity system.
Seats for all sessions mentioned above are limited so do not forget to register as soon as possible here.
Last but not lease ETIP SNET and BRIDGE will also have a Networking Stands on Wednesday 21st June from 9am to 12.30pm where you can find out more about these platforms and their activities.
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