Nikos Hatziargyriou takes chairmanship of ETIP SNET, Maher Chebbo and Emmanouil Kakaras become Governing Board vice-chairs while Antonio Iliceto takes WG1 chairmanship.
At the 8th meeting of the Governing Board of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for the Energy Transition on 24 January 2018, Nikos Hatziargyriou started his chairmanship of the platform. He succeeds Konstantin Staschus, ENTSO-E Chief Innovation Officer, who has been Chairman of the ETIP SNET since its creation in July 2016. Additional vice-chairs have also been appointed.
As previously stated, Nikos Hatziargyriou will serve as Chairman for an 18-month mandate. He will be assisted by Thierry Le Boucher, Vice-President of EASE, and Konstantin Staschus as Vice-Chairpersons.
Two additional Vice-Chairpersons who rotate on an annual basis have also been assisting the chairman since few a months: these are Maher Chebbo, chairman of ETIP SNET WG4 and Emmanouil Kakaras chairman of ETIP SNET WG5. Guido Guida, Chair of ENTSO-E’s Research, Develoment and Innovation Committee is scheduled to replace Konstantin Staschus in June 2018.
Furthermore, as approved by the ETIP SNET Governing Board on 25th January, Antonio Iliceto, representing ENTSO-E now replaces Vincente Gonzalez as Chairman of The ETIP SNET WG1 (Reliable, economic and efficient smart grid system).
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