This series of three webinars will provide a detailed explanation of the nine High Level Use Cases (HLUCs) and the related Priority Project Concepts (PPCs) introduced in the latest ETIP SNET publication, the R&I Implementation Plan (IP) 2022-2025. Each webinar will cover in-depth three HLUCs grouped across similar topics. HLUCs are critical to outlining the concrete R&I PPCs that will need to be pursued in the ongoing decade to achieve the targets set by the EU Green Deal for 2030 with an Integrated Energy System and the electricity grids as its backbone. The event will be addressed to the European Commission, the R&I program and funding managers of the European Member States, the representatives from the ETIP SNET and the wider R&I communities.
Webinar #1 – 12th May 2022, 14.00-16.00
Webinar focusing on HLUCs 5, 7, 9
Digitalisation: Empowering Consumers, Smart Communities, System Control and dealing with Cybersecurity
Registration deadline: 11/05/2022
Webinar #2 – 17th May 2022, 14.00-16.00
Webinar focusing on HLUCs 1, 3, 8
Integrated Energy Networks: Cross Sector Coupling including Storage, Transport and Energy Markets
Registration deadline: 16/05/2022
Webinar #3 – 19/05/2022, 14.00-16.00
Webinar focusing on HLUCs 2, 4, 6
Renewable Energy Systems: Massive RES Penetration, System Operators’ Collaboration and Power Electronics challenges
Registration deadline: 18/05/2022
Any questions? Contact us at secretariat@etip-snet.eu
For social media: #ETIPSNET
More information on the publication:
The EU “Green Deal” and the related European national requirements set precise targets to be achieved by 2030. Nevertheless, the corresponding required research and innovation (R&I) pathways are not linear but discontinuous for each energy system and integration goal. The ETIP SNET R&I Implementation Plan 2022-2025 aims to translate these requirements into fundamental and discernible features of the European energy system of 2030 to be realised through concrete R&I projects. In doing so, this publication updates and complements the previous publication ETIP SNET R&I Implementation Plan 2021-2024.
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