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Monday. 24 February 2020

ETIP SNET will have a networking stand to present its latest activities at this years electricity network innovation event on the 5-6th of May 2020


InnoGrid2020+ is one of the most important EU events on innovation in electricity networks. It is organised by The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and the European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) and attracts high profile stakeholders in the energy sector. This year the event will facilitate discussion on how to ensure digitalisation of the energy system delivers all its potential value to European citizens and how to make sure it leads to the best possible TSO-DSO interaction.

As at previous editions, a networking exhibition will showcase the works and results of R&D&I projects and initiatives with a European scope, including the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET). ETIP SNET is a platform dedicated to making sure that Europe’s Research and Innovation facilitates all energy customers and market actors to rely on optimally integrated networks, systems and markets. During InnoGrid2020+ it will take the opportunity to share information on its most recent activities and publications.

Come to the stand and meet the ETIP SNET secretariat to find out more!

Register today at: 

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