Location: online
Rewatch the recording of the webinar and check out the slides .
This online conference focuses on the implications of coupling the electricity, heating and cooling vectors as a vital part of efficiently decarbonising the whole European energy sector. The joint White Paper between ETIP SNET and ETIP RHC, "Coupling of Heating/Cooling and Electricity Sectors in a Renewable Energy-Driven Europe", will lay the ground for the panel and interactive discussion highlighting the actions needed to keep the timeline for decarbonisation that the Green Deal and Fitfor-55 packages prescribe. The study is available on the Publications Office of the EU.
This online conference is a Sustainable Energy Day within the framework of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW).
More specifically, the session will discuss the necessity to increase investments in R&I to quickly upscale solutions from pilot to real plant sizes, but also to bring forward innovative technologies with low TRLs already identified in the White Paper. It will also discuss and analyse the necessity of rescaling and upscaling educational programs for the skills needed for sector coupling in order to successfully design, manufacture and install new plants.
The format will consist of an interactive discussion between speakers and the audience, starting with the presentation of the White Paper. Three panels will follow and consist of a short introduction of the topic by panellists followed by Q&A sessions and active discussions with the audience. After the analysis of the technological requirements and barriers - and the need to stimulate investments through regulations and incentives based on, e.g., CO2 emission trading systems - a second panel will dig into the topic of thermal storage as an enabler of system integration and sector coupling. Lastly, a third session will discuss the skills needed for sector coupling.
Read the agenda of the webinar.
About Sustainable Energy Days and EUSEW
Sustainable Energy Days are activities and events organised by local public and private organisations around the world to promote clean energy and energy efficiency.
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe and is organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).