On the 6-7th October E4SM 2021 will welcome energy stakeholders to a hybrid event partly hosted in Marseille and partly online.
International experts and decision-makers, major groups and innovative start-ups, national and local authorities as well as financers will exchange on trends and perspectives, the latest technological, economic and financial solutions as well as the legal framework of this rapidly evolving sector, particularly through post-covid recovery plans.
ETIP SNET Vice Chair Norela Costantinescu will open the main plenary session 1 as keynote speaker On Oct 6 Followed by the Round table “The green circle: from renewable and low carbon transport fuels and charging infrastructures to zero-and low-emission vehicles“
Maher Chebbo, co-chair of the ETIP SNET working group 4 on “Digitisation of the electricity system and Customer participation”, will speak at the Round table 3, on 6th Oct on “digitalisation of smart mobility (interoperability, cybersécurité, flexibility solutions, payment…)”
For more information and to register to the event please visit: https://www.energy4smartmobility.eu/
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