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ETIP SNET Vision 2050 to be previewed at INNOGRID 2018

Friday. 20 April 2018

ETIP SNET will preview its upcoming Vision 2050 report at the electricity network innovation event  on the 15th-16th of May.

InnoGrid2020+ is one of the most important  EU events on innovation in electricity networks.  It is organised by The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and the European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) and attracts high profile stakeholders in the energy sector. The seventh edition of the event will focus on what the electricity system and network should deliver as services beyond 2020.

The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) is a platform dedicated to making sure that Europe’s Research and Innovation facilitates all energy customers and market actors to rely on optimally integrated networks, systems and markets.

On the 15th of May at 14:45, ETIP SNET Chair Nikos Hatziargyriou and Vice-Chair Konstantin Staschus will kick off the session “What ingredients for Europe’s energy future?” by outlining some predictions for Smart Network for Energy Transition view from today to 2050, drawn from ETIP SNET’s upcoming Vision document to be released on the 27th of June.

The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion Moderated by Adam Malik (Founder & CEO, Engerati) featuring Carolina Punset (MEP) tbcGarrett Blaney (Chairman BoR, ACER; President, CEER), Monika De Volder (Senior Economic Officer, BEUC), Frauke Thies (Executive Director, SEDC), Kristian Ruby (Secretary General, EURELECTRIC), Michael Walsh (Vice President and Managing Director of the Europe Region, SmartWires).

Remy Denos (Policy Officer, DG ENER, European Commission) will conclude the session with a talk on “Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme: preparing new low carbon technologies and services for EU future energy networks”.

For more details on speakers and Agenda visit:

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