ETIP SNET which prioritizes research and innovation in smart networks and sector coupling, has just launched its second full tour of Europe with regional workshops taking place in 4 different European cities. Top European energy transition actors have gathered in Brussels for the third of these meetings.
Brussels, 11-12 October 2018, experts from across Europe met at ETIP SNET’s second of four regional workshops taking place in 2018. They discussed about on-going local and national projects in smart energy networks. The regional workshops help to raise international awareness of national energy transition projects within the EU and build on each other’s successes across borders.
ETIP SNET guides European R&I activities in the area of Smart Energy Networks. This covers areas such as power system management, storage and interface to other networks as heating, gas or transport networks, flexible generation, digitalisation of the power system, and customer involvement. Each ETIP SNET workshop covers a different set of countries, aiming to build a complete picture about ongoing research and innovation in Europe.
Hosted in collaboration with Elia, Flux 50, Cluster Tweed and the Public Service of Wallonia, the workshop gathered representatives from outstanding national projects from ETIP SNET’s central region, including: InduStore Project (Belgium), Smart Grid Battery Storage Project (Austria) and Rural Intelligent Grid Project (Poland).
ETIP SNET representative Norela Constantinescu was a keynote speaker at the event and took the opportunity to present the platform’s recently launched special report “Vision 2050” which aims for:
A low-carbon, secure, reliable, resilient, accessible, cost-efficient, and market-based pan-European integrated energy system supplying the entire society and paving the way for a fully carbon-neutral circular economy by the year 2050, while maintaining and extending global industrial leadership in energy systems during the energy transition.
ETIP SNET will continue its 2018 workshop tour at the following dates and places:
- 22-23 November, Madrid: Western Region (France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the UK), with a keynote from ETIP SNET Vice-Chair Maher Chebbo.
More information about the workshops: /events/regional-workshops/
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