The ETIP SNET IP 17-20 aims at listing the short-term priorities for research and innovation (R&I) in relation with Smart Networks for the Energy Transition. The Implementation Plan is based upon the ETIP-SNET R&I roadmap 2017-2026 (published in January 2017) which specifies the long-term R&I targets for the evolution of the European energy system.
The consultation encourages feedback from all stakeholders involved in the transition of the energy system in Europe, so as to ensure that forthcoming RD&I priorities are funded according to the sectors needs in the coming years.
The draft IP 2017-2020 currently includes a number of RD&I topics clustered according to the ETIP SNET Roadmap structure and then broken down into functional objectives.
Your views on the draft IP are important to us!
The consultation should take no longer then 30 minutes to complete. The ETIP SNET Secretariat will review all the feedback gathered and submit it to the ETIP SNET Governing Board for approval prior to the publication of the final IP in September.
How do I participate?
Step one: Download and read the draft Implementation Plan 2017-2020 HERE
Step two: Go to the online consultation HERE
Should you have any question please contact us by mail: info@etip-snet.eu
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