The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks in Energy Transition held a high-level workshop on how to leverage the latest clean energy technologies and energy system initiatives to achieve energy systems synergies and decarbonisation in line with the ETIP SNET Vision 2050.
Brussels, 14 March 2019. The ETIP SNET workshop “Leveraging the Clean Energy Technologies Potential through Integration into an Efficient System” brought together experts and stakeholders of the different energy systems across Europe to discuss the achievements and challenges of the integration of the electricity networks with other energy carriers (gas, heating, cooling, water, transport etc.) and how to enhance the synergies between them in view of an overall optimisation and an acceleration of the decarbonisation process.
Industrial actors, the research community and public authorities engaged in constructive debate to identify strategic priorities in light of the work already in progress within the different energy sector initiatives. Initiative representatives exchanged opinions on the necessary steps to be taken to accelerate the clean energy transition through integration, circularity, digitalisation and decentralisation, as also put forward in the ETIP SNET Vision 2050.
After the opening remarks and brief contextualisation of the ETIP SNET Vision 2050 by the platform’s coordination team, followed the presentation of the “Heat Roadmap Europe” by Alessando Provaggi from DHC+, the presentation of “AIOTI” by Natalie Samovich, a presentation on the “Role of Hydrogen in the energy system” by Carlos Navas from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. These presentations were followed by an international perspective given by Simone Landolina of the International Energy Agency.
In the second part of the event, emphasis was placed on four key talking points: “Technologies and Tools” , “Market”, “the Centrality of Energy Users” and the “Digitalisation of the Energy System” over which workshop participants deliberated extensively in parallel discussion sessions. These sessions provided valuable inputs and highlighted many of the collaborative steps needed among stakeholders to be able to contribute towards the construction of the sectors next research Roadmaps.
To further mark the occasion, ETIP SNET representatives presented the newly launched report “Synergies and complementarities of European and International Initiatives towards Energy Transition”. The paper, which echoes the discussion points of the workshop, presents an analysis of the key organisations that act on a daily basis to research priorities that allow a deep transformation of our energy system, informing public authorities who can make the transformation happen on where to prioritise funding and putting such recommendations into practice with research and development programmes.
You may download the new report here
Click here to view the workshop proceedings
Presentations of the workshop available here (zip file)
Photos of the event here
Key words: interoperability, flexibility, consumer engagement, remuneration mechanisms, new business models, common understanding…
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