The ETIP SNET Knowledge Sharing Platform is your source of information on key developments in smart grid R&I projects, contributing to the update of the Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap and participating to the BRIDGE initiative. It facilitates knowledge-sharing among new, ongoing or completed research and innovation projects at European, national/regional levels and helps bring RD&I results to deployment.
Its search tool allows both traditional filter-based search and map screening to query available data sets. Results can be sorted according to the collection of interest (project, technology or knowledge item), the technologies addressed, the countries of the actors involved and much more! Indeed, useful information on key exploitable results, their nature and effective use, as well as barriers and next steps towards their real implementation are provided.
This public repository has been developed in the framework of the INTENSYS4EU project, a Coordination and Support Action (H2020 Grant Agreement n° 731220) that managed both ETIP SNET and the BRIDGE initiatives activities.
The link to the repository: https://tools.etip-snet.eu/index.html
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