In a bid to shape one of Europe’s future “mission-oriented objectives” within the European Commission’s new framework programme “Horizon Europe”, ETIP SNET is proposing a broad challenge to Europe: Let’s aim at decarbonising Europe by 2050.
The European Commission’s “Horizon Europe” programme will now include “Mission-oriented” goals – a form of time-limited and objective-focused research, envisaged as wide-ranging funding instruments that aim to meet the global challenges of our time.
With this in mind, the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks in Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) – a unique cooperation between key energy sector players to foster a European energy transition in line with the Paris agreement targets; propose their mission orientated goal for Europe:
“A secure, efficient and digitalised European energy system, fully decarbonised by 2050, coupling all energy sectors.”
As reiterated in the IPCC global warming report, limiting global warming is an urgent global challenge. ETIP SNET sees the Commission’s mission-oriented goals as an ideal opportunity to prioritise research in Europe to address this challenge. Speaking about the proposed mission, ETIP SNET Chairman Nikos Hatziargyriou said:
“Fully decarbonising Europe by 2050” is a very ambitious target, but ETIP SNET has never lacked ambition. We think that such a climate change mission deserves a prominent place within the Commission’s new framework programme as it affects all European citizens, industry and beyond.”
Current EU proposed Missions for Horizon Europe do not include Energy. This omission creates a risk of not prioritising future research needed to meet the Paris agreement targets.
ETIP SNET stakeholders are now asking the members of the Council and the European Parliament to include Energy and Decarbonisation among the themes of the first missions that will be adopted at the end 2018-early 2019.
You can read ETIP SNET full position on the Mission Oriented Objectives for Horizon Europe HERE
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