The ETIP SNET Working Group on Flexible Generation (WG3) release White Paper on Flexible Power Generation in a Decarbonised Europe
ETIP SNET Vision 2050 is the basis for defining the specifications for further research and innovation needs in the transition from today towards Europe’s decarbonised energy systems of the future. The pathway forward will need increased electrification of all sectors based on a vast expansion of variable renewable energy sources (vRES).
But how can we secure a reliable, sustainable, and cost-efficient electricity and heat supply for the times when sun is not shining and wind is not blowing (in particular in the long dark winter seasons in central and northern EU countries)? What are the future needs of energy intensive industries in Europe? And how can we reliably power the transport sectors e.g. shipping and aviation with decarbonised fuels in the future?
This White paper will shortly evaluate all major energy generation systems. It highlights how fit they are and what needs to be done to guarantee unlimited dispatchability and flexibility to the end-use sectors (households, industry, transport). Decarbonised thermal power generation can compensate any available limitations of on-demand renewable power generation (incl. hydro power and bio-mass, …), such that it will strongly contribute to support the transition towards a future carbon-neutral energy supply. Flexible thermal generation technologies for electricity and heat powered with “green” fuels generated by renewable sources will close the existing gap between power supplied by variable renewable energy sources (vRES) and the demand profiles from different end-use sectors smartly shaped by demand-site energy management (DSM) systems.
Download the White Paper HERE
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