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Register for the “ETIP SNET Journey 2016-2023: Past and upcoming challenges supporting European Energy System Transition Strategies” Virtual Workshop

Sunday. 26 July 2020

On the 23rd of September the ETIP SNET and BRIDGE Initiatives will be hosting a webinar to present their main achievements of the last Four years and show the action plan for the years 2020-2023.

New upcoming challenges are ahead and ETIP SNET  and BRIDGE Experts look forward to give you their perspectives on the challenges of supporting European Energy System Transition Strategies with specific focus on: Sector Integration & hydrogen strategies and Offshore Strategy. 

Follow us and register to our event! 

Draft Agenda 

11.00 – 11.05 : Welcome Guido Guida, ETIP SNET Chair 

11.05 – 11.10: Key Note Speech – DG ENER

11.15 – 11.40: Overview of ETIP SNET & BRIDGE achievements and action plan for 2020-2023
 ETIP SNET Maria Laura Trifiletti, ETIP SNET coordinator
– BRIDGE Nicolas Peraudeau, BRIDGE coordinator

11.40 – 11.45 : Q&A  

11.45 – 12.10:  ETIP SNET perspective on Sector Integration & hydrogen strategies 

Natalie Samovich – ETIP SNET WG1 Co-Chair 

12.15 – 12.45: ETIP SNET perspective  on the Offshore Strategy 

Norela Constantinescu – ETIP SNET WG4 Co-Chair

12.45 – 12.55: Q&A General Session

12.55 – 13.00: Concluding words
– Nikos Hatziargyriou, ETIP SNET Vice-chair
– DG ENER Project Officer

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