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Register now for ETIP SNET 2018 South-Eastern Region Workshop, September 19-20 in Zagreb!

Tuesday. 17 July 2018

The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb will host the 2018 ETIP SNET’s South-Eastern Region Workshop, to be held on September 19-20 in Zagreb, Croatia. The Workshop will provide a unique opportunity to learn from South-Eastern Region’s national Research & Innovation (R&I) projects and the chance to contribute to the identification of R&I gaps, challenges and priorities at regional and EU levels.

Are you a representative of: a university, a technology center, an energy utility, a distribution or transmission system operator, a technology provider, a funding authority, a ministry, a regulator, a national platform?

Are you active in the field of: Smart Grid Systems? Storage? Interfaces between electricity and heat, gas and transport? Flexible thermal and renewable generation? Digitisation? Customer participation?

Are you interested in projects from: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Romania and Slovenia?


You will have the chance to find out more about outstanding national projects including:

  • The Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping Station Project (EVBASS – Croatia) focuses on the development of a viable Business model as a basis of the Battery Swapping Station (BSS) business case, and on the assessment of the BSS(s) impacts on power systems.
  • The SMART GEO Project (Italy) aims at designing, building and integrating an innovative concept of advanced remote diagnostic and prognostic system for the Rancia-2 geothermal power plant, and its related equipment and infrastructures.
  • The STORES Project (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Slovenia) foresees the development of an optimal policy for the effective integration of photovoltaics (PV) and energy storage systems (ESS) via testing smart solutions in 5 MED islands and rural areas. The challenge is to achieve high PV penetration in the energy mix through solving all market, technical, grid and tariff issues without compromising grid stability or security of supply. The project has progressed well since last year and tangible results will be shared with the participants of the workshop.

Attendance is free of charge. Please visit /events/regional-workshops/southern-eastern-region/ for more information on Agenda, Venue location and to Register!

Interested in presenting a project during the workshop? Do you wish to have additional information? Send an email to:

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