In March 2017, interested Member states/Associated countries, stakeholders and European Commission held the kick off meeting of the SET Plan temporary working group (TWG) on Optimised EU power grid/ Integrated local and Regional energy systems. This TWG chaired by national representatives from Austria and Italy met regularly during this year to draft an Implementation Plan that contains concrete R&I activities, and proposes relevant funding opportunities, which are considered essential for achieving the agreed set of targets. The Implementaion Plan was then endorsed by the Steering Group members at the meeting held on 24 January 2018.
The document constitutes the Implementation Plan (IP) in actuation of the European Stakeholders Declaration for SET-Plan Action 4 “Increase the resilience and security of the energy system” (19 November 2016). It gathers the consensus of 15 country representatives about the R&I actions to be implemented in coordination, in order to achieve the challenging targets set in the Declaration. Based on the mandate given to the Temporary Working Group 4 (TWG4), this IP reconsiders and completes the formulation of the targets aligning them to the European Energy Union and SET-Plan goals, and shapes them to be concrete, output based, innovation oriented and technology neutral. Extensive interactions of TWG4 with the main stakeholders of the European energy system (e.g. several ETIPs, associations, experts etc.) resulted in the formulation of two complementary Flagship initiatives: Flagship 1 “Develop an optimised European power grid” and Flagship 2 “Develop Integrated Local and Regional Energy Systems”.
Flagship Initiative 1: Develop an Optimised European Power Grid
enabling the appropriate level of reliability, resilience and economic efficiency, while integrating variable renewables, such as wind and solar generation by providing increased flexibility thanks to innovative technologies enhancing customer participation, integrating better storage, making the best use of connections with other networks (e.g. heat and cold, transport) and optimising the use of flexible sustainable combined power and heat generation.
Flagship Initiative 2: Develop Integrated Local and Regional Energy Systems
that make it possible to efficiently provide, host and utilise high shares of renewables, up to and beyond 100% in the local or regional supply by 2030, enabling regions and local communities to realise their high sustainable energy ambitions. They shall provide tailor-made solutions that meet the local and regional requirements and demand. At the same time they shall link to a secure and resilient European energy system, enabling the participation in inter-regional exchange of energy as well as in sharing responsibility to maintain the overall system, considering a sustainable use of local and global resources.
–> Set-Plan Action 4 Implementation plan
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