The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition has released a series of reports to help guide the Energy Transition in Europe including: “Synergies and complementarities of European and International Initiatives towards Energy Transition”, “Holistic Architectures for Future Power Systems” and a “Coverage analysis of the present Roadmap (2017-2026)”.
The report on “Synergies and complementarities of European and International Initiatives towards Energy Transition” proposes an analysis of the key organisations that act on a daily basis to facilitate the transformation of our energy system.
The white paper on “Holistic Architectures for Future Power Systems” was produced by the ETIP SNET Working Group on Reliable, economic and efficient smart grid system (WG1) and sets out the holistic architecture vision that should inform future demonstration projects that would enable large-scale rollout of the new control paradigms.
The “Coverage analysis of the present ETIP SNET roadmap (2017-2026)” acts as part 2 of a monitoring exercise which analyses in detail the degree of coverage of each RD&I item of the 10-year RD&I roadmap covering 2017-26.
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