New co-chairs for WG2 and WG3 were approved at ETIP SNET’s last Governing Board meeting on the 3rd of May 2018. ETIP SNET WGs are also looking for specific expert profiles, see if you match.
Cristina Gomez from ENTSO-E and Miguel Garagorri from Iberdrola join ETIP SNET Working Group 2 and Working Group 3 respectively.
Are you Interested in contributing towards the future European Energy System?
ETIP SNET is seeking experts to join working groups in topics related to the European Transition, more specifically:
- WG1 is seeking experts on Sector Coupling
- WG2 is seeking experts from the gas, heat and mobility sectors coming from gas system operators, fuel companies, electric chargers companies, car manufacturers, heat pumps companies, DHC managers, etc.
- WG4 is seeking experts on Block-chain, Customer digital experience, Big Data Applications and digital platforms and Cyber-security.
Experts may come from academia, industry, public administration and elsewhere in order to represent the widest community of stakeholders related to their area of expertise.
To learn more about the Working Groups please visit: /working-groups. If you have expertise and are willing to contribute to ETIP SNET’s vision please complete the ETIP-SNET_WG_members_application_form and send it to wg@etip-snet.eu
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