BRIDGE is glad to present in its brochure the four new H2020 projects selected end 2017 to join the initiative!
The BRIDGE initiative is a living platform welcoming every year new EU funded projects, selected by the EC, in the field of smart grid and energy storage. Clustered in cross-functional working groups, these projects bring together specialized knowledge sets and insights from different perspectives with a common goal: to create a structured view of cross-cutting issues which are encountered in the demonstrations of the selected projects and may constitute an obstacle to innovation.
Today, BRIDGE brings together 36 projects involving more than 400 million euros of EU funding.
These highly technological projects are hosted at the European Commission premises in Brussels approximately every 6 months to discuss non technological issues such as:
- the challenges in understanding and engaging customers, especially in the area of demand response
- finding safer ways more secure and respecting data privacy to handle the data of the different stakeholders
- defining and testing viable business models within the projects and their demonstrators
- making sure that the future regulatory settings under preparation are appropriate for the different services, businesses and deployed solutions.
Download the BRIDGE brochure to learn more about the different areas these projects address in terms of technologies or enabled services, project partners and geographical coverage.
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