The workshop will identify relevant R&D projects and Living Lab Initiatives in member countries and contribute to the SET-Plan Action 4 Implementation Plan
On October 23, 2018 , energy project leaders will gather at the Belgian Energy Hub in Brussels for a workshop that will address issues related to the optimization of direct consumption of PV energy on an aggregated level of multifamily buildings, districts and communities not only as a starting point for business model development, but also for mobilising flexibility potentials for power grids, integrating the end user.
On this purpose this workshop aims at finding solutions able to provide a sufficient service-depth in order to meet the actual demand of potential procurers and users, leveraging on the opportunities provided by digitalization. These solutions will be able to integrate regional optimization goals (of users and operators of the technology-service systems) as well as overarching system- optimization goals (contribution to system control, flexibility potentials, etc.). In order to reach critical scale, they shall be ready to be effectively implemented under actual framework conditions (technologies, business processes, legal and contractual issues, license, etc.).
More Information: HERE
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