ETIP SNET chairman Jan Okko Ziegler will speak at two sessions of the 2021 online edition of the CIRED conference taking place from the 20th to 23rd of September,
The 26th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution will be hosted virtually this year, providing anyone the opportunity to attend.
Chairman Jan Okko Ziegler will participate along side Mark McGranagham, EPRI, U.S.A. and Ludwig Karg, BAUM, Germany at the Roundtable 14 on: Energy Transition Roadmaps. Research and Innovation supporting the deployment of microgrids, energy communities and solutions to best exploit local energy resources. An international benchmarking. The round table shall illustrate the research and innovation challenges that must be tackled by the upcoming research and innovation programs in order to support the large-scale deployment of solutions that aims at enhancing grid flexibility, local consumption, sector integration and customer participation to the management of the grids. Representatives from industry associations, regulators, local government, research institutes shall illustrate the priorities and programs that are currently under development with the aim to support this transformation and to pave the way to the achievements of the energy policy targets (e.g. Green Deal)
He will also take part to Round table 18 on: Customer engagement, interconnection of markets and stakeholder, and flexibility – EU Projects, Results and next steps with a broad spectrum of speakers from TSOs, DSOs, SMEs and Universities. The round table gives selected Horizon 2020 projects, that are either finalized or going to be finished in 2021, the opportunity to present their results and insights on how to integrate DER and storage, as well as EVs and heat pumps to the distribution system, not only from the technical standpoints, but from the market integration as well.
The CIRED conference and exhibition offers worldwide perspective and participation. The 26th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution will be hosted virtually this year, providing anyone the opportunity to attend from anywhere in the world, all from the comfort of your own device.
CIRED 2021 is your opportunity to hear new research, ideas and initiatives; and interact with hundreds of key decision leaders in the electricity distribution field.
You will have the chance to network with a wide range of delegates from the utility, product, consultancy, service and business sectors of the distribution industry.
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