The European Technology & Innovation Platform (ETIP SNET) is ready to launch the new series of 8 Regional Workshops as part of its mission of guiding Research and Innovation activities to support Europe’s energy transition.
Are you a representative of a university, technology center, energy utility, distribution or transmission system operator, technology or service provider, funding authority, national or regional ministry, regulator, national or regional technology platform?
Are you active in the field of Smart Grids and integrated Smart Energy Systems & Markets? Storage and conversion among energy carriers? Interfaces between electricity and heat, cooling, gas and transport? Digitisation? Flexible thermal and renewable generation? Flexible energy consumption? Prosumer and customer participation?
Then DO NOT MISS the opportunity to join the 11th ETIP SNET Regional Workshop on 21st April on Wednesday 21 April 2021 from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm CET!
The new series of ETIP SNET workshops will help energy stakeholders identify unsolved R&I topics and monitor the implementation of R&I activities at national and regional levels in Europe, ensuring consistency between national and European views and stimulating knowledge-sharing between stakeholders and among Member States and associated countries.
In particular, the workshop will present national and regional EU funded R&I projects of significant added value that address energy system integration issues along 4 main thematic categories:
1) Electromobility integration in the energy systems
2) Cooperation between energy system operators
3) Digitalisation: Managing energy data and Cyber security
4) Consumer involvement, citizen engagement and energy communities
N.B: Due to high demand and limited capacity, registration is now closed. You can still apply HERE to be put on a waiting list.
Please find the final Agenda HERE
The connection links to the Workshops will be sent via email to the confirmed registrants on Monday 19th April.
The Proceedings and Conclusions to the 11th ETIP SNET Regional Workshop can be found HERE
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