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Register now for the online Joint Programming Conference Smart Energy Systems 2020, October 14-16

Friday. 21 August 2020

From October 14 to 16, 2020 the Joint Programming Conference Smart Energy Systems will bring together for the second time SET-Plan initiatives and funding networks in the field of energy systems and system integration. The Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems (JPP SES) together with collaboration partners (ETIP SNET, ETIP Renewable Heating & Cooling and ERA-Net Geothermica, EERA and partners of Mission Innovation) and the European Commission gather a powerful network of national and regional funding programs, transnational RDI projects and initiatives, SET-Plan Working Groups, European Technology and Innovation Platforms and EERA-Joint Programs.

Join to:

  • get the latest update on current initiatives in the context of the SET-Plan topic Energy Systems
  • get first-hand information on our upcoming call for projects and speed-date potential consortium partners
  • engage in the discussion with high-level speakers and decision-makers
  • build connections during unique networking opportunities

For the preliminary agenda and to register visit:

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