ETIP SNET and ISGAN sign a MoU to cooperate on common fields of research and innovation areas related to smarter, cleaner electricity grids around the world.
On 7th July, the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) and the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to raise awareness of the innovation needs of the energy system and help foster collaboration and knowledge sharing amongst their stakeholders. Specifically, the partnership seeks to:
- exchange in a structured way the respective knowledge-base, in order to grasp greater awareness of the needs of energy system’s final users and society at large, from diverse geographic perspectives;
- promote more efficient efforts in technical-scientific R&D, targeting both short- and long-term solutions for power system stakeholders and customers;
- facilitate insights of present energy transition and forthcoming global trends, for shaping the future of energy systems effectively integrating new technologies, processes and services;
- to support the respective Working Groups with experts’ contributions, through sharing state-of-the-art advancements in policy approaches, technologies and processes;
- elaborate joint deliverables on topics of common interest, with the aim to enrich the Smart Grid progress.
With ETIPSNET’s pan-European footprint, a wide stakeholder representation including industry associations (grid operators, utilities and storage, manufacturers, ICT providers) and a technical-scientific orientation to R&D planning and monitoring in the wide area of energy systems and ISGAN’s international footprint spanning all continents and a mainly public membership base (governmental energy agencies, Research Centers and Universities) it is foreseen that a fruitful cooperation can be achieved in several areas including: Flexibility and resilience in power systems, High variable RES and DER integration, Integration among power system and other energy sectors, Holistic grids architectures, grid developments and system planning, Smart grids operations and economics, Digitalization and interoperability of smart grids components and processes, TSO-DSO coordination in operation and planning and Data exchange architecture, protocols, and cybersecurity.
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