The ETIP SNET Working Group on Innovation implementation in the business environment is working on the development and implementation of the Database on the Distributed Energy Resources and Smart Grid Research Infrastructure.
In the frame of the ETIP SNET Working Group on Innovation implementation in the business environment, a dedicated Working Team on Research Infrastructure has been established, with the specific main objective of facilitating the R&I family’s access to the European research infrastructure. The effort to build a Database on the Distributed Energy Resources and Smart Grid Research Infrastructure is crucial to succeed in this purpose.
In order to realize the Database, some key points have to be clarified among which:
- to build working relations with providers of research / testing infrastructure along the lines, through which, individual components as well as complete systems can be tested according to international and national standards or certification procedures;
- to make use of the work accomplished by the EU to promote research infrastructures, notably ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures), with reference to the strategic roadmap identifying investment priorities in European Research Infrastructures for the next 10-20 years, integrating and opening national research facilities and developing e-infrastructures. This step can be supported also considering the existing research project database (e.g. CORDIS) to find EU-funded research projects related to research infrastructures;
- to support the establishment of the common platform – PANTERA platform – as a single point of reference and centralized research infrastructure with easy access for all actors of the R&I family in the European energy sector;
- to promote the creation of synergies between the various energy actors and networks in Europe, to bring them closer together for better collaboration, knowledge sharing and innovation fostering. Synergies will also help to better coordinate the development and use of research infrastructures.
Thus, since the contribution from all the ETIP SNET Stakeholder is a key factor in building the European Research Infrastructure Database we are inviting you to join this community, contributing to build the Research Infrastructure Database in Europe, adding your Research infrastructure: just fill in the Research Infrastructure Data Collection Form available here! The contribution is free of charge!
The Database is developed by DERlab, which is coordinating the Task Force on Research infrastructure within the Working Group on Innovation implementation in the business environment. DERlab would work on updating and implementing the Database itself, that currently contains systematic information on research infrastructure and related assets, testing capabilities and services of DERlab members and project partners. It presents an overview of more than 60 research institutes and companies, more than 200 facilities, including universities and companies from Europe and the US with focus on DER and smart grids.
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