This week the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) shares its short-term key Research and Innovation priorities and budget estimate for the next 4 years, to achieve the energy sectors’ long-term carbon neutral goals in 2050.
By 2050 it is foreseen that the extensive electrification in (nearly) all sectors of the energy system, combined with large energy efficiency improvements and CO2 reductions in all sectors, has led to a carbon-neutral energy system. This 2050 scenario will rely on:
- The massive use of renewables for electricity and heating & cooling generation.
- Smart Grids technologies.
- The combination of the above with sector coupling of all energy carriers via storage and conversion technologies
- A widely adopted circular approach of the energy systems, with high recycling rates.
As outlined in the “EU Green Deal” and related European national requirements a set of intermediate 2030 targets need to be reached, including:
- Decarbonisation of the building stock, transport, industry, and energy systems.
- Involvement of consumers and citizen communities in energy systems.
- Digitalisation as an enabler of the environmental transition and participative energy markets.
- Ambitious reductions in transport emissions.
- Reliability, adaptability and resilience of the integrated energy systems.
While the ETIP SNET VISION 2050 provides a detailed description of this future with a set of goals to reach by 2050 and the ETIP SNET R&I Roadmap 2020-2030 describes the path towards this future – this path is not linear for each of the goals defined for 2050. Some of the tasks will need to be deployed and implemented before others.
The ETIP SNET R&I Implementation Plan 2021-2024 therefore describes the required R&I activities that must be performed by 2024 in order of priority. 24 topics have been proposed and are based on the 6 Research-Areas specified in the ETIP SNET Roadmap 2020-2030. These topic descriptions intend to serve as a basis for the (co-funded) R&I projects to be launched in the coming four years.
Each topic can serve as input, not only to “Horizon Europe” for work programmes and co-funded projects at European level, but also to the transnational, national and regional projects among and within European countries.
The estimated budgets for the research and demonstration tasks outlined in the first Implementation Plan (IP) Period 2021-2024 is approximately €955 million. This is in line with the estimated €4,000 million needed over the 10-year period 2020-2030 as defined in the ETIP SNET Roadmap 2020-2030.
To read the new Implementation plan 2021-2024 visit the ETIP SNET publication section here: /publications/etip-publications/
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