The BRIDGE General Assembly gathered in Brussels on the 11th-12th of February to create a better understanding of the BRIDGE projects, learn more about projects results and help to establish closer cooperation for European best practice standards.
On the 11th and 12th of February, the BRIDGE General Assembly 2020 took place in Brussels, organised by the European Commission in cooperation with DOWEL Management, Zabala and RSE. The event was well attended (around 150 participants) with a diverse audience composed of energy system stakeholders involved in BRIDGE projects, such as consumers, grid operators, regulators, local energy communities representatives, power technology providers, energy suppliers, research and innovation, energy system integration experts from the ETIP SNET Platform, etc.
Eight parallel sessions were organized to strengthen the collaboration between projects and discuss about future BRIDGE topics in 2020, such as the dialogue between smart grid projects and consumer science projects (SSH), the scalability and replicability topic to maximise replication potential, the interoperability of flexibility assets, etc. It was also the opportunity to discuss about future R&I priorities in the fields of grids and storage, under the format of a brainstorming session in cooperation with ETIP SNET.
Main conclusions and next-steps of the General Assembly will be soon circulated to BRIDGE members, in order to launch the 2020 workplan.
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