The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) is currently working on updating the short and medium term key RDI-priorities to enable the transition towards a reliable, affordable and 100% renewable European energy system with electricity as its backbone.
Last year saw the release of the “ETIP SNET Vision 2050” publication which had the purpose of inspiring the discovery of RD&I challenges associated with a 2050 low-carbon, fully-integrated, and circular pan-European energy system.
The evolution of the energy system in a context of a decarbonisation of the economy is based on the EU pillars of sustainability, security and market. The path towards 2050 implies progressive energy system functionalities to be implemented incrementally to ensure the timely evolution and achievement of decarbonisation targets. Hence, key RD&I priorities need to be adequately defined and implemented.
For this reason, ETIP SNET is developing the “ETIP SNET Roadmap 2020-2030” looking at a 10-year time frame until 2030. It is based on a co-design model which includes inputs from all major energy system stakeholders contributing in the ETIP SNET working groups (Smart grids, flexible storage and conversion, efficient and flexible generation, digitalisation and the new businesses). It incorporates the latest feedback from interactive ETIP SNET workshops carried out throughout 2019 and from monitored RDI projects across Europe. The ETIP SNET Roadmap 2020-2030 facilitates a more comprehensive state of play and more detailed recommendations on Energy system research, demonstration and innovation needs for the next 10 years with the fundamental requirement that the European citizen is at the centre of this transition.
The document is scheduled for release in early spring 2020. Watch this space.
About the ETIP SNET
The ETIP SNET role is to guide research, demonstration and innovation to support Europe’s energy transition from today’s electricity based, still strongly fossil-based electricity systems towards – by the year 2050 – fully integrated, fully sustainable, circular and market-based energy systems with electricity transmission and distribution grids as its backbone. By 2050, the European energy systems will be supplied by environmentally-friendly renewables for electricity, heating and cooling and transport needs, used by empowered customers. This is supported by flexible and versatile storage technologies and services, efficient smart grids and fully integrated interfaces between electricity, gas, heat and cooling networks and storages including for transport needs. One of ETIP SNET’s strong contributions is to make the energy transition happen in a secure and affordable way.
A call for working groups experts is currently open, more information on /working-groups
RDI: Research, Demonstration and Innovation (Deployment)
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