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Hear ETIP SNET representatives speak at European Utility Week in Paris on 12-14 November 2019!

Friday. 08 November 2019

The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition will take part at European Utility Week taking place in Paris, France on the 12-14 November.  Take the opportunity to visit our stand in the EU Project Zone and listen to and network with ETIP SNET representatives!

ETIP SNET vice chairs Nikos Chatziargyriou, Eliano Russo and Maher Chebbo, will be speaking at the following sessions:

Nikos Chatziargyriou Sessions:

  • 12-Nov-2019 – 16:45 17:30
    Panel Discussion: How to keep the system stable and affordable with 100% RE?, Innovations for High-Share VRE Power Systems, The New Energy Mix, Summit Programme
  • 14-Nov-2019 – 11:50 12:10
    The utility perspective, Democratising Energy, Digitalisation, Summit Programme
  • 14-Nov-2019 – 12:10 13:00
    Panel Discussion, Democratising Energy, Digitalisation, Summit Programme

Eliano Russo Sessions:

  • 12-Nov-2019 – 14:25 14:40
    The future of the power sector: The role batteries can play, What’s hot in Storage?, Energy Revolution – Theatre 2, Hub Sessions Programme
  • 12-Nov-2019 – 16:50 17:30
    Panel Discussion: What’s hot in Storage? , What’s hot in Storage?, Energy Revolution – Theatre 2, Hub Sessions Programme

Maher Chebbo Sessions:

  • 12-Nov-2019 – 15:10 15:30
    Closing Panel: Business opportunities of decarbonizing the energy industry, Decarbonizing the Energy Industry, Energy Markets, Summit Programme
  • 13-Nov-2019 – 14:00 14:15
    Chairman introduction, Resilience and Efficiency: The Perks of The Grid Edge, The New Energy Mix, Summit Programme
  • 13-Nov-2019 – 16:45 17:30
    Panel Discussion: What are the opportunities at the edge of the grid within a transition to a decarbonized Europe by 2050?, Resilience and Efficiency: The Perks of The Grid Edge, The New Energy Mix, Summit Programme


About European Utility Week

European Utility Week hosts an environment for all key players in the smart energy ecosystem to come together and discuss European strategy to achieve a smooth transition towards a low carbon energy supply.

In 2019, European Utility Week and POWERGEN Europe will combine to offer an end-to-end European energy experience for the whole energy supply chain, from power generation through to end-use, under one roof. Read more about it here

All of this is reflected throughout the event from the exhibition, where they work with the most valuable solution providers, to addressing the key business challenges in the Summit programme.

The event is a business, innovation, networking and information platform and is seen by the industry as their terrain. They use the event as their annual meeting place to thrash out strategies and do business to help drive efficiencies in meeting their sustainable development goals.

What’s new for 2019?

  • An expected audience of over 18,000 international power and smart energy professionals
  • Over 800 exhibiting companies, including the companies from the power generation sector
  • A complete programme addressing the challenges around the transitioning generation mix right through to the consumer
  • Sessions dedicated to smart gas
  • A complete C&I (Commercial & Industrial) energy users programme 
  • 50 startups showcasing mind-blowing innovations for the sector
  • New EU funded projects contributing to a successful, digitally-supported energy transition
  • Pre-event matchmaking and meeting tools
  • Greater onsite networking areas, meet and greets with (international) delegations and key speakers

Find out more information on

If you are member of  ETIP SNET , you can get a 20% discount on your 3-day pass to the strategic Summit at to get your discount contact

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