Coinciding with the start of EUW 2019, the Brokerage Event organised by l’Alliance Smart Energy French Clusters (SEFC) and Enterprise Europe Network is an international matchmaking activity providing a unique opportunity to have a series of 20 minutes, pre-scheduled B2B meetings according to your interests and goals, with a view to establish valuable connections with potential business partners and clients in perspective to H2020 and HORIZON EUROPE calls.
Matchup Sessions
The aim is to support SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs, universities, research groups, corporations and institutions in finding partners for product development, manufacturing, licensing agreements, joint ventures or other types of partnership to apply to the next H2020 and HORIZON EUROPE calls.
The event will include the following main topics:
- Smart, Green energy and Integrated Transport,
- Cybersecurity in power and energy systems,
- Smart energy and ICT for consumer engagement and efficient buildings,
- Smart, connected and climate-resilient airports and cities,
in search of partners for the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme and to help the participant projects to achieve success.
Click HERE to register!
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