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ENTSO-E’s Guido Guida takes chairmanship of ETIP SNET

Friday. 27 September 2019

On July 2019, Guido Guida, Member of ENTSO-E’s Board of Directors has started his chairmanship of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for the Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) platform. He succeeds Nikos Hatziargyriou, member of EDSO’s board of directors, who has been Chairman of the ETIP SNET since January 2018.

As Head of Terna Office in Bruxelles, the Italian Transmission System Operator (TSO) for electricity, Guido Guida is Member of ENTSO-E’s Board of Directors since July 2019 and Chair of the Digital committee.  A prominent figure in the energy sector, with an experience of more than 25 years, he has been, till July 2018 the Head of Italian Dispatching Department of Terna, a company in which he has covered several key positions. During this period, he managed several projects aimed to contribute to the integration of Renewable Energy Source within the Italian electrical system, strength TSO-DSO cooperation and the development of Storage Systems.

He has been involved in ENTSO-E activities since its creation. He was Member of the Market Committee representing Terna since the beginning of ENTSO-E and the Chair of the Research Development & Innovation Committee till July 2019.

In the framework of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan), the European Union’s R&D&I master plan, ETIP SNET gathers all relevant stakeholders to elaborate a European innovation strategy towards a smart integrated energy system.

Since its establishment in 2016, the ETIP has already delivered several key publications, such as a 10-year Research & Innovation Roadmap (2017-2026) and its Implementation Plan for 2017-2020 and the Vision 2050. These documents aim to identify the necessary research & innovation (R&I) priorities to advance the energy transition.

ETIP SNET is currently working on a new Research and Innovation Roadmap (2020-2030) which will incorporate the latest feedback from the upcoming ETIP SNET workshops and monitored projects across Europe. About the new roadmap, Guido Guida declared: “while the Vision 2050 aims to inspire  energy users in taking decisions in the transition to a cleaner, fully integrated pan European energy system, the new roadmap will illustrate the framework with the features and the related RD&I activities to be deployed before 2030.”

Guido Guida will serve as Chairman until the project’s end in September 2020. He will be assisted by Nikos Hatziargyriou (EDSO), and Emiliano Russo (EASE) as Vice-Chairpersons. Two other Vice-Chairpersons who rotate on an annual basis are as well assisting the chairman: these currently are Antonio Illecito (replacing Maher Chebbo), chairman of ETIP SNET WG1 and Michael Huebner chairman of ETIP SNET NSCG WG (replacing Emmanouil Kakaras).

More information about the ETIP SNET can be found on

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