The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) in collaboration with TNO will host this year’s first regional workshop – covering the central and northern region, on September 19-20 in Petten, the Netherlands.
The Workshop will provide a unique opportunity to learn from Central & Northern Region’s national Research & Innovation (R&I) projects and the chance to contribute to the identification of R&I gaps, challenges and priorities at Central/Northern Region and EU levels.
Are you a representative of: a university, a technology center, an energy utility, a distribution or transmission system operator, a technology provider, a funding authority, a ministry, a regulator, a national platform?
Are you active in the field of: Smart Grid Systems? Storage? Interfaces between electricity and heat, gas and transport? Flexible thermal and renewable generation? Digitization? Customer participation?
Are you interested in projects from: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland, as well as Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway & Sweden ?
You will have the chance to find out more about outstanding national projects including:
- The VINPOWER – Vaasa Innovation Platform for Future Power Systems Project (Finland) provides new knowledge and concepts for the industry, promotes the utilization of new technology in power distribution in order to increase the reliability of power supply and simultaneously serves the needs of the electricity end users and the whole community.
- The StoreITup-IF Project (Austria) focuses on the development of high temperature storage for industrial applications.
- The Flexturbine Project (Czech Republic) develops a technology roadmap that consists of: new solutions for extended operating ranges to predict and control flutter, improved sealing and bearing designs to increase turbine lifetime and efficiency by reducing degradation/damages, improved lifecycle management through better control and prediction of critical parts to improve competitive costs by more flexible service intervals and planned downtime, and by reducing unplanned outages.
- The ITCity Project (Latvia) aims at responding to citizens’ needs for new information technologies applications of various energy technologies usage, integrated in an intelligent way within Platform areas at City level.
We are still looking for innovative projects to be presented in Petten, particularly for WG3 topics “Flexible Generation.” If you would like to suggest a project, please send an e-mail to info@etip-snet.eu
Attendance is free of charge.
Please visit /events/regional-workshops/central-northern-regions-workshop/ for more information on Agenda, Venue location and to Register!
Do you wish to have additional information? Send an email to: info@etip-snet.eu
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