ETIP SNET releases a monitoring report on recent and ongoing R&I projects to illustrate the current state of play and better determine future Research and Innovation priorities across Europe.
The European Technology & Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) is guiding Research and Innovation (R&I) to support Europe’s energy transition. For that purpose, a 10-year R&I roadmap covering 2017-26 was adopted in December 2016. It addresses not only smart electricity grids but also interactions with gas and heat networks and the integration of all flexibility solutions into energy systems, including energy storage and power conversion technologies.
The 10-year R&I roadmap will be updated by 2020 to define the R&I activities planned for the period 2021-2030. In order to do this, a thorough assessment of recent and ongoing R&I projects contributing to the activities planned within the roadmap, is to be done. This is the purpose of the “monitoring activity” carried out by the INTENSYS4EU support team.
The objective of the monitoring activity is two-fold:
- To analyse and to disseminate results from R&I projects being in the scope of the ETIP SNET towards the energy community;
- To measure the coverage degree of each R&I item of the roadmap and decide which R&I activities deserve to be maintained in the next roadmap, and which are sufficiently well covered by results of recent and ongoing projects and could consequently be removed (“gap analysis”).
The present report contributes to the first sub-objective of the monitoring activity by analysing and disseminating R&I projects’ results lying in the ETIP SNET scope. An upcoming report, to be published during fall 2018, will address the second sub-objective.
You can download the report HERE
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