ETIP SNET representatives attended the SETPlan Conference in Vienna on the 20th – 21st November to learn and talk about energy transition.
With the targets for 2030 for renewables and energy efficiency agreed, agreement on the other parts of the Clean Energy Package on the horizon, and the discussion on the EU’s long-term contribution to the Paris Agreement being launched with the 2050 strategy, the SET-Plan conference was not be short of topics to discuss. Research and innovation are a sine-qua-non for the energy transition to be successful, to meet the EU’s objectives for 2030 and 2050, and for the EU to develop cutting edge solutions that will be in demand worldwide.
ETIP SNET Governing Board member and former chairman Kostantin Staschus spoke at the session on “The energy system of the future: what technologies and innovations can integrate energy systems and grids?” which examined the necessary innovations in terms of technologies as well as social and commercial co-operation mechanisms to achieve an energy system able to integrate different energy vectors including an increasing share of variable and decentralized generation capacity.
Stachus reiterated ETIP SNET commitment to the Clean Energy Package and how the holistic view of the ETIP SNET Vision2050 will drive integration of gas, heating/cooling and mobility systems and markets, with smart electricity networks at centre.
You can find recordings of day one of the conference here and of day two here
For further information you can go to the SETPlan Conference website here
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